Pricelist for July 6 to July 10 2020 – Shop in our Coolers – Fridays only for Now!

Starting July 3rd Customer are welcome to shop in our Coolers only one customer at the time (only one person per customer).  You are welcome to schedule a time slot for shopping in our website. Our hours to shop in our Coolers will only be Fridays from 11:00 am to 4:30pm. You will have 20 minutes to come in from the side door and leave from the front dock door. Customers will stay only in the warehouse and cooler facilities. We will implement the following precautions to limit the spread and contagious of the Cov-19 virus.

-All people are required to ware face mask inside Botanica’s Building. If you don’t have one, please ask for one at the door. (Limit to one face mask per Client)

-There will be hand sanitizing stations in the entrance and exit doors.

-There will be a limit of 20 minutes of shopping.

-Please do not come if you feel sick or show signs or symptoms of being sick.

-You will be hand an empty cart that has been disinfected. Keep all you’re shopping in that cart.

-Please stay in the cooler or warehouse and we will help you with the payment. Do not come inside our offices.

Note: For any customer that doesn’t feel comfortable signing the receipt of your shipment and/or invoice. Please send to your customer rep. a release form and that will note it in the invoice.

Botanica Wholesale Florist